February 20, 2011

About the Miserable User Modification...the rest of the story

I submitted a comment on that anonymous blog last night, which has not been passed through yet, so I will post a similar comment here.

The "Miserable User Modification." was never installed, nor seriously considered by anyone. It was brought up by me, in jest. After a day of many fights on the forum and we were all tired of the never-ending dramas. Anonymous left my name off of that post. I am the unnamed 'former moderator'. Perhaps they are missing the entire thread and chats regarding this? Who knows?

So, again - that mod/add-on feature was never installed and that post was written by me. I was never actually a mod, nor would anyone ever want me to be.

Another rumor to address

Just heard a rumor that a Staff member at SBFII is apparently spreading - that I am involved in a new hacking event. If so, let me address this right now.

I have not hacked or attempted to hack into your site or any site, nor do I have any interest in doing so. I have never even used a proxy. 

February 17, 2011

Nope, Not us.

Just to quell a few new rumors..

1. Dyebat, Citroenlady, Knudt and I are not in any way involved with any anonymous blogs or twitter accounts. We have always posted with our names and will continue to do so.

2. While we certainly can empathize with the frustration and anger that many fans have towards SBFII and/or the Staff, and/or some members - we are working through data to get at the truth. We are dealing with facts. We don't agree with mixing some facts with unfounded accusations, posting personal names and or adding unwarranted insults.

3. DJG received his information via members and staff permission errors. He has stated his intent and shown restraint in using pseudonyms. He was the victim of a lengthy coordinated hate campaign and is clearing his name.

4. As far as I know, there is only one person in the SB community that wants SBFII destroyed and that is the cyber-bully cyber-stalker known as WalkerD, Mark Conner, Orgonon, Willson, and many many other names.