June 21, 2011

Save your files, please!

Kalua's announcement at forum.susan-boyle.com regarding their intent to delete threads and posts due to database size is troubling. It is not necessary. There are alternatives to handling and backing up that database, including archival, which I suggested many many times...most recently a few weeks ago directly to a Board Member.

Crimes (including felonies) have been committed at forum.susan-boyle.com and the management (Admins and Board Members-past and present) are legally responsible for their actions in the actual crimes and the cover-up of the crimes. Knowingly deleting or tampering with evidence is also a serious crime.

I urge the Board to reconsider this action of modifying the database while the criminal matters are unresolved.

Personally, I have protected the data that I have collected from multiple sites and I urge you all to do the same. Your PM's, emails, screen grabs, and digital files from April 2009 to present may be requested via subpoena in the coming months. If you need help or advice on how to do so - please email me

It is also not lost on me that the OS was also taken down rather quickly just after the threat of legal action. A police investigation had already been underway for some time regarding activities on that site. I sincerely hope that, behind the scenes, the OS is cooperating fully and providing the necessary data. And that they are able to find software and/or programmers that can put some basic security in place to better protect members in the future. It has been, so far, a few weeks with no update on the site status from the OS.

Despite the pressure and attacks against us, Dyebat and I managed to complete our obligation and Dyebat incorporated SBFII - effective Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 4:42 PM  Certificate of Incorporation DE. From that point forward, all of you have legal recourse against any corporate wrongdoing.  Against the Corporation and/or individuals acting on behalf of the Corporation.

For 2+ years, the management at the OS and at forum.susan-boyle.com have disregarded and dismissed (and in some cases abetted) the bullying, harassment, stalking, and/or defamation of members. No amount of pleading or proof has made them take this situation seriously.

So, while Dyebat, CL, Knudt and I (and others) do our part behind the scenes, we ask you to do yours. Save what you have and write up any incidents that you were involved in, have knowledge of, or data for.

Thank you,  Chris


  1. It is great to know that you have carefully protected the data for the on-going investigation. Thank you for being so responsible!

  2. I would like to thank you for this information. If you need anything from me, I think I still have it, problem is, I had to clean my HD recently as I have a small one and I don't know if i have any emails left from the time I was banned.

    Again, you guys are the best, keep it up.

  3. Sassy, Emails can often be rescued, even from closed accounts. Just write up what details you recall and the email account that you sent from and to.

  4. Kalua's announcement is troubling to me too. I'm a big fan of history and when things start to get deleted, even mundane, seemingly irelevant things, that history is lost.

    Specifically, I glanced at one of the threads in jeopardy and noticed all the user names who are no longer there (guests) but was fascinated by their enthusiasm and stories.

  5. I and others are still waiting for corroboration that an Investigation is going on. We do not know with whom this alleged Investigation is filed and a case number and/or the name of an Investigator charged with reviewing the charge, whatever that is.
    All of us bystanders would love to see the above, otherwise, we are left just trusting the words of others without actual corroboration.
    Martha Ellen Trulock

  6. Hi Martha, First, thank you for using your name to ask your question..though for future reference, you need not add your last name. Second, your question warrants a blog - not something easily answered in a comment area. I'll answer more fully in a blog post in the next few days..meanwhile I will make a few comments.

    1. Jack at OS, PT and Kalua have been aware of at least one filed investigation (with 2 case numbers, I think)since March 2011. If they deny that, let me know, ok?
    2. Whether you, or members of the community believe that crimes have been committed, reports have been made/charges have been filed or case numbers exist is irrelevant. I don't mean this to be harsh. It's simply the truth.
    3. Laws and law enforcement and the legal process varies by locale. What is relevant is to follow procedure and present evidence to authorities. What matters is what the legal authorities, judge or jury think.

    Your comment "reviewing the charge, whatever that is." surprised me a bit. In this community, sadly, many crimes have occurred. Many people have been hurt in the past 2 years. Our (dyebat/cl/lchris) goal was to stop this pattern from continuing. As I state in the blog post above - no amount of pleading or proof has effected the changes necessary to put an end to this - reporting to authorities and taking legal action is what happens when there is no other recourse.

    Again, Martha, I will blog more in a few days. Your question is a very good one, and deserves a more thorough answer than I can give now.

    Regards, Chris

  7. Thankfully many of us have whole threads saved, complete with administrative 'edits'.

    There is no option left open to us now. We have all necessary proof! If Sony thinks this is a bluff, then they have made a very big mistake.

    I find it absolutely appalling that those in authority who KNOW the truth are allowing it to come to this.....

    Most of all, I consider it the worst possible disservice to Susan Boyle.

  8. To avoid some confusion...different people have had different experiences, so there are multiple past/present/future actions referenced by individuals. Clear as mud, I know.

  9. Chris,
    Thank you for your answer.
    I will await your next blog.
    Martha Ellen
