October 19, 2011

The first win against the 'troll's damage

Congratulations to Ossie Kilkenny. For fighting back against the lies spread about him. For taking the time and resources necessary to follow through.

Susan Boyle manager accepts libel damages

Daily Mail to pay 'substantial' damages to Susan Boyle's former manager

Daily Mail in libel payout to Susan Boyle adviser

Ossie Kilkenny wins damages over claim he was unfit to handle Susan Boyle’s business affairs

Though I have absolutely no insider knowledge of Mr. Kilkenny's legal case, I am in a position to know that our serial 'cyber-troll' was involved in this, and many other lies.

I have stated this many times, at the forum while I was a volunteer, directly to the Board and Staff there, as well as on my own blogs. Re-read this post from September 25, 2010.

Serial Cyber-Stalker, Cyber-Bully Alert

FYI, no one has ever contacted me about that post. Interesting to note, as the post is easily found online..anyone doing elementary due diligence would have read it.

The following quote from that blog should have resulted in someone contacting Citroenlady and/or myself.

"Though our data is only part of the entire story - we have substantiated over 100 identities, incidents, victims. It is likely that this person (or persons) has been harassing Susan Boyle, her family, her friends, her management teams in addition to her fans."

This is just one venue where I have CLEARLY stated that we have data that someone in authority should have been curious about. In addition to other efforts, Citroenlady and I did offer our data directly to Team SuBo, as we were told that they had an investigation underway ... I am still waiting for my call. Hmmmm

So, congratulations again to Mr. Kilkenny.

His is the first resolution, though I doubt the last, of the 'serial cyber-troll's' damage.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! I am very happy to hear that Mr Kilkenny has won his day in court! It does seem rather odd that no one has contacted you or CL regarding the valuable information you have with regard to the troll and the situations in which it has been involved. Curious, that.......
