November 16, 2010


We've set this blog up in 2 parts.  One of these is lchris' section where she'll post "nothing but the facts, Ma'am", and the other part is mine, where you can post comments.

I will be moderating comments, because I don't want to buy any Viagra.  Also, because cyber-bullying is a major problem on the the internet, posts attacking other people, insulting or slandering them, etc. will be deleted. Ideas and opinions are fair game; people are not.  The usual restrictions against obscenity and foul language are in force, because we have to follow Google rules.  Remember, God invented the asterisk, when you feel the need for strong language.  This forum is for adult discussion.  Comments from snotty brats of any age will be thrown out.

Those of you who know me from other sites know I'm an advocate of free speech, but civil free speech. Some of you may be very sensitive to negative comments about your ideas or opinions.  Hopefully this will be a place where you can gradually develop a thicker skin, so you learn that a criticism of your opinion is not necessarily a criticism of you.  Stand up for yourself.

Others of you are experienced debaters.  Be gentle with those who are more fragile, till they get to the point where they're not afraid to speak out.   I've been on the internet for 15 years and so has lchris, and we know discussions can get very heated, where folks say things they would not say in person.  I hope we can prove that freedom and peace are not necessarily incompatible.

Since I am a fan of Susan Boyle, I want her to be treated fairly.  Feedback on her performances,  cd arrangements,  management decisions, etc., whether positive or negative, are acceptable.  Outright insults are not, period.

Of course this is a dictatorship.  Moderated blogs always are.  But I will at least try to make it a benevolent dictatorship.  I'll try to stay out of your discussions as much as possible, unless there's a factual error that needs correcting.  I get my say at the beginning, and then you get yours.

If you haven't been turned off or scared off (or even if you have)  I hope you do feel welcome here.


  1. I enjoyed reading this. This sounds fair and balanced.

  2. Thank you for giving those of us accused of wrong doing a voice

  3. Thank you for starting this. When will lchris start making posts? Do you need to be a follower to read.... I have not joined yet but I am a big fan of yours!

  4. This is a wonderful idea that we have a place to discuss freely.
    Thank you for this opportunity.

  5. Thank you, nice to have freedom of speech. (bernicer)

  6. The chronology that chris posted is exactly as I remember it. I am so glad we are finally getting to a resolution on this. Thank you and Chris for sticking to your principles and not letting go.

  7. Thank you, Dyebat and lChris for the many, many, MANY hours which you have spent on this. It is time for the truth to come out, time for this difficult situation to be resolved. Thank you for being the truth bearers. Clix Pix

  8. It is a breath of fresh air to have this blog in which we can see the facts without the hysteria and histrionics. Thank you Dyebat and, in anticipation, Lchris. Can't wait to see your report!!!

  9. Thank you Chris and Dyebat for opening the door to this lovely blog. You never really appreciate fresh air until you have none. Would love to know if this blog will be kept open indefinitely or if it is just temporary.

  10. Thank you for discussing this here where it will hopefully be more of an open discussion. Now is the time to be cool, calm, and collected! If only I had followed that advice. Fudgemeisteer

  11. Thank you Dyebat and LChris for setting this blog up and I appreciate you and I support you 100%.


  12. Am looking forward to seeing what is sure to come . . .

  13. Looking forward to read the comments in this blog and know the full facts of 18 July saga.
    You are two brave women.

  14. I so appreciate this place--where the truth can be told at last--and where our comments will be considered and respected and not deleted at whim. Just hope enough fans saw Chris's post yesterday to know to come here for more info.

  15. I see this blog is for adult discussion but we won't have any viagra ads. I don't get it. :)

    Seriously this blog is a giant step in the right direction. An enormous thank you from me.

  16. Dyebat, I don't think this is going to be a dictatorship, simply well-managed. ;-) I am glad you have created an independent space where people can live in 2010 instead of "1984." Thank you and LChris for all the work you have put into this on behalf of fans who deserve better than they've gotten, and who deserve to be free of fear and harassment.

  17. Am very glad to learn you have set up this blog! Even I got contacted several times via PM from that cyber stalker person. I wasn't taken in by 'its' nonsense, but some were. It happens; we're all human. Mostly I'll only read here; don't have much of anything to contribute, but I appreciate the opportunity to find out for myself just what the situation was, and wasn't. Here's to new learning, and finding good, honest discussions, and eventually closing the chapter on such a sad saga.

  18. Thanks for the sidebar, Dyebat. And thanks for this blog, and the endless hours you and Chris have spent sorting all this out. I look forward to hearing the truth - finally. Bring it on!

  19. It is good to spread the word among friends at other fan sites, too, as some may not be current members at the site where Chris posted yesterday, and yet would definitely be interested in what is going on. I know that there are several sites out there -- sites in which it would be permitted to post the links to this blog in one's sig file. Barring that, there is always the PM method or email.

  20. Thanks, both of you, for trying to make the invisible become visible in the maze of Wonderland!
    The Cheshire Cat

  21. Thanks, Dyebat, for making this a safe place to learn the truth.


  22. Hoping folks will be able to encourage one another to resolution and reconcilliation if that is the goal. And knowing Dybat I trust information posted elsewhere, including screen names and posts, will not be used without permission.

  23. Just want to say thank you. Abby

  24. Dyebat and Chris, infinite thanks for your efforts. Keep the bus going...
    A fandom and fansite-management based upon the values of truth and tolerance is the only worthy of Susan Boyle.

  25. Dyebat and Chris, thanks for being YOU and thanks for hanging in. Evie

  26. Dyebat, one request. I notice that the comments are dated, but blog entries only have times without the date. Could you and Chris please as a matter of course just incorporate the date in your blog entries, like maybe in the first line or something? Or more convenient for you both in the long run, maybe Chris can fix things so the date appears automatically? Thanks so much. Evie

  27. Fudgemeisteer: Stay in touch with us here.

  28. What on earth has been going on? Reading the blogs from Dyebat, IChris, CL and Knudt and following the comments all you guys look to have been going through some traumatic times.

    As a DJG'er from the start but now lost to susandom I'm very glad I'm out of the mess. I am so glad that some of the old hands EW have learned the truth about us "bad" people on susahumor. That is a huge plus.

    If it had not been for my son's eagle eyes I would not have known about your blogs.

    The DJG'ers always knew there was something rotten EW. So glad they have been vindicated.
