Please stop the 'cloak and dagger' shenanigans.
No one in the Susan Boyle online community other than yourselves wants to perpetuate the 'toxic' climate. Knudt and Citroenlady invited any and all to their new site and they meant it. The only exception is the cyber-stalker/bully and he has been caught and removed as necessary. One Board Member and a Staff Member from your site and members from various sites have joined and all have been warmly welcomed.
I realize that you do not understand the 'amnesty' that is happening there, nor what 'transparency' means. Perhaps you no longer realize that adults from various viewpoints can have civil discussions without the need for censorship. Fans can belong to multiple sites without being your enemy.
Stop sending 'spies' around to join various sites to collect 'information' to use for spreading misinformation and paranoia.
Dani, stop slinking around trying to hack your way to the posts and pm's. Just sign up and join and come in the front door to copy/paste all you need to try and continue your dramas and defamation of people.
We don't want to spend our time tracking and preventing your sick games.
Why don't you all try and make your forum the best forum possible for your members? Spend your time getting to know your members and letting them get to know you.
Rebuild your own community from a place of mutual respect and tolerance. Stop trying to destroy ours.
Understand that you have no powers outside of your own site and gullible group of 'croonies'.
Especially now as we are all working together to find the truth.
Because, there are actually more than '5 people' that care to know what really happened. A lot more.
Call me if you are ready to talk.